Android Java8


In this video, we see the introduction of Java8 in Android. A feature of Java8 using in Android? 1-Default and static interface method 2-Lambda Expression 3-Enhancing Null Safety 4-Repeating Annotations 5-Stream Api 6-Java IO improvements 7-Collection API improvements 8-Concurrency API improvements
How to use java in the android studio?
1-Open your an Android project in Studio. If you do not have it, create one.
2-Click on File > New Module. Select Java Library and click the Next.
3-Fill in the Package name and Click Finish. You should now see a Java module inside your Android project.
4-Add your code to the Java module you’ve just created.
5-Click on to the drop down to the left of the run button. Click On Edit Configurations.
6-In new window, click on the plus(+) sign at the top of the left of the window and select Application
7-A new application configuration should appear, Enter in the Details.
8-Click OK.
What is Lambda expression? Lambda is one of the most important features in JAVA8. It is used to shorthand notation for anonymous classes with the simple implementation. It is typically shorthand notation for arguments, code block and return type.


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